City & State: Sioux Falls SD
Church Name: Life Church
Adoption Agency: International Adoption Net
From the beginning they wanted to adopt. They wrote, “We have been talking about and praying over adoption since the start of our friendship. We believe what makes our marriage strong is the solid foundation we had in our friendship first. We felt we were being led most toward international, special needs adoption. Early in our marriage, we repeatedly encountered families who adopted internationally. We also went on mission trips to orphanages in Jamaica and Zambia. At these orphanages, we got to be with these beautiful babies, watch their caregivers work so hard to provide for them, and witness the gaps that are left when children aren’t in families. It solidified our want to “do life” with these children of God long term, in our home as family.” Currently, they have one adopted daughter, Roshni, age 3 and two biological children, Decorah, age 6 and Sylvan, age 4.

Alex works at Bishop O’Gorman Catholic High School as an Art Teacher and Morgan is a High School Counselor at the same high school. Morgan’s mom provides day care two days a week and they can adjust their work schedules so that outside day care is not needed. They are active in their church, working in the children’s and adoption ministries.
Their pastor wrote, “I have known the Robey’s for the past 4 years as faithful members of our church and as a fellow adoptive family. Both Alex and Morgan have big hearts to care for people in broken places as they follow the leading of their Lord Jesus. They are exemplary disciples as their lives are devoted to loving and obeying the Lord. As their pastor, I submit the Robey’s to you with the highest possible recommendation. I believe them to be a model family for doing this great kingdom work.”