Evans Family

City & State: Oolteway, TN

Church Name: Collegedale Community Church

Date: September 15th, 2023

Gender and Country: female sibling group from Bulgaria

Special Needs: unknown

Adoption Agency: CCAI

Evans family believe they are placed on earth to make a difference and feel
compelled to save one more!” Mara further writes, “I want to provide a home for
children who don’t have one. I believe this is a calling that every Christian (who is
able) should take seriously. There would not be an orphan problem in the world if
more Christians stepped up to make a difference in this very tangible way.”

They adopted two boys from Latvia several years ago and tragically lost one to leukemia. Their two biological boys are in college. They have room and are eager to adopt again. They have been soft matched with two sisters from Bulgaria. Tom is the CEO of a non-profit that empowers children through education and fights human trafficking. Mara is a stay at home mom and has a pure bred cat breeding business.

They are active at Collegedale Community Church and their pastor writes, “Their unwavering commitment to their faith and their dedication to serving others is truly remarkable. They have consistently demonstrated qualities of compassion, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility that make them exceptional candidates for parenthood through adoption.”

Recommendation: $5,000 Matching Grant

Deficit: $31,855 +

