The Barkers state: “In September 2022 we had a just turned 3yearold and an 8 and 10- year old. The Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart again about adoption. I knew it didn’t make sense financially;…however, the call was much stronger…God was revealing His plan for us so clearly and wasn’t going to let it go…[Joe wrote me a note] telling me that God had answered his prayer for discernment and that he felt God calling us tor grow our family through international adoption…We have faith that God will reveal to us who the child is in his time.”

Joseph works as senior director of Food and Nutrition Services at Morrison Healthcare. Jennifer is working on a M.Ed. She is self employed as a Social Media Manager/Website Designer. She homeschools their children.
The Barkers’ pastor writes: “they have actively participated in various areas of ministry and have demonstrated qualities that make them highly suitable candidates for adoption… their dedication to their family and their commitment to raising their children in a loving, Christ centered environment is evident in their testimonies and the positive qualities displayed by their children…[Regarding their marriage] their relationship is rooted in faith, and they have grown stronger together supporting each other in their shared devotion to God…They have instilled in their children values of kindness, love, and service to others…[T]hey are committed to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for their children to grow in their faith and character. Their experience with their youngest child, who has unique needs, have only strengthened their abilities to adapt, empathize, and cater to the individual needs of each child.”