Henry Family

City & State: Hagerstown, MD

Church Name: Crossroads Church

Luke and Lauren are a godly, generous, active, involved, family oriented and loving couple. They met years ago, while young, through their mutual church community group and later started dating. They love the Lord and together are growing in Him and His ways. They are active in their church, serving as Kid’s ministry and Parking Volunteers. Their Pastor wrote a positive letter in which he shared that “they demonstrate strong moral and spiritual values while conveying a genuine generosity, joy, and love for people. They ae compassionate and patient and serve our church as leaders with grace. They have cared for and nurtured their own family with love.”

They have been blessed with a precious daughter, Carolina, who is now 5 and is a source of such joy and light in their lives. She is so excited to welcome a sibling into their family. They are hoping to adopt from India once again, as that is where Carolina is from. Adoption was “on the table” in their marriage from the beginning. Lauren felt the call when on a mission trip to Haiti. Luke’s friend was adopted. His brother has 2 adopted children. When infertility became part of their story, they felt the time had come to pursue adoption to grow the family God had in mind for them.

He has a Degree in Ed. and Counseling and a Master’s in Educ. He is presently employed as a Contact Center Rep for a company in which he has had multiple promotions, can work from home and one that offers advancement and flexibility. Lauren has a Degree in Exercise Science, has taught school and now plans to get her Bach in Nursing this May 2023! Their daughter attends Grace Academy. They say that family will help out with childcare as needed. They are blessed with supportive and loving extended families that live nearby. As a family they enjoy going to parks, out for breakfast, window shopping, walking and playing games

They shared of how they “daily seek to find God’s direction and follow where He leads. We read our Bible regularly and pray together as a family throughout the day”. What a special home for a dear child to be brought into!

