Blankenship Family

City & State: Hickman, NE

Church Name: Mercy City Church, Lincoln, NE

Date: May 5th, 2023

Special Needs: Unknown

Adoption Agency: Wasatch International

Brock and Chloe Blankenship state: “Fourteen years ago, we went on a mission trip to Haiti. We were both moved by the beauty of the country, love for the people, and extreme poverty of Haiti…We knew in our hearts that God was calling us to adopt from Haiti someday. We know there are two girls that God has hand-selected to be a part of our forever family. Until we get to meet them, we will continue to pray diligently forthem, for their caretakers, for their parents, for protection and blessing over them, and for God to provide the resources to bring them home to us.”

Serves as Connections (Family Ministry) Pastor at Mercy City Church. was trained as a speech pathologist, but currently serves as Kids Ministry Director at Mercy City Church.

The Parents’ pastor writes: “[The Blankenships] are fantastic parents who love and discipline their children. They are kind and firm in their discipline, keeping their word…Both of them are pursuing relationships with God and daily choosing to surrender their lives to him. This looks like putting others first and doing anything they can to show people love and acceptance…they are not only committed but have a strong community around them to love and support the children when they become a part of the family.”

Recommendation: $5,000 Matching Grant

Deficit: $40,985

